
Zoom to Daycare:
Zoom to School:
Zoom to City Facility:
Zoom to Park:

(1)Select the facility from the dropdown menu. The map will zoom to that location.

(2)You can also do search a facility by typing into the textbox. This is a dynamic list.

     Example: Type in "a" will get you a list of all facilities starting with "a".

Common Map
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom To Full Extent
Zoom to Previous Extent
Zoom to Next Extent
Find Location
Search a Parcel
Zoom to Location
Identify Features
Measurement Tool
Bookmark a map location
Census 2010 Radius Summary
Click on the map to link to Google Map
Click on the map to open Bing Map Bird's View
Click on the map to link to Google Street View
Draw Graphics

0.2 Miles
0.5 Miles
1.0 Miles
1.5 Miles
2.0 Miles
3.0 Miles

Step1: Select the radius.
Step2: Click on the location.
Use Erase tool to clear the buffer graphic.

(1)Click on the tool icon(default tool is measure distance).

(2)For measuring area: click on the map and draw a polygon. Double-click to end the polygon.

(3)For measuring line: click on the map and draw a line. Double-click to end the line.

(4)The result will appear below the tool.

(5)The default unit of measurement can be changed by selecting another option in the unit dropdown menu.



* Search by Parcel ID:.

(1)Select "Parcel ID" from the option menu.

(2)Key-in 17 digit Parcel ID for DCAD parcels and 5 digit Parcel ID for RCAD parcels.

(3)Example DCAD: 440150800B01R0000 RCAD: 28046

(4)Click "Search" button to get a list of all parcels meeting search criteria

(5)Double-click a row on the result table, the associated property will be highlighted and map will zoom to that property.

* Search by Owner Name:

(1)Select "Owner Name" from the option menu.

(2)Key-in the owner name. please enter the last name before first name. Exmaple: JACKSON EDWARD or JACKSON (case insensitive)

(3)Click "Search" button to get a list of all parcels meeting search criteria.

(4)Double-click a row on the result table, the associated property will be highlighted and map will zoom to that property.

* Search by Property Address:

(1)Select "Property Address" from the option menu.

(2)Key-in the property address. Exmaple: 4000 Main ST or 4000 Main (case insensitive)

Note:Street type should be placed after the street name in abbreviated format.

(3)Click "Search" button to get a list of all parcels meeting search criteria.

(4)Double-click a row on the result table, the associated property will be highlighted and map will zoom to that property.

Parcel ID Owner Name Owner Address Owner City Owner State Owner Zip Code Property Address

(1)Pan and zoom to yor area of interest.

(2)Click 'Add Bookmark' and enter a name for the bookmark you want to create, then hit the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.

(3)Click on a name from the list to quickly return to the location at any time.

(4)Click the edit (pencil) icon next to the bookmark to edit the bookmark name.

(5)Click the remove (X) icon next to the bookmark to clear a bookmark.

(6)Cookies must be enable for your browser in order to save bookmarks.

     If cookies are not enabled, the bookmark you create will only persist for current browser session and will be lost once you leave the application.

(1)The Base Map service will be the default map service. It will be loaded at the program start.

(2)All the other map services will be added on the top of the Base Map service.

(3)To expand a map service, click the + sign next to it and click - sign to collapse.

(4)Check/Uncheck the checkbox to turn on/turn off the map services or their layers.

Available map services:
(Check to turn on/off map services)
Visible Map Services:


(1)A map service presents a list of map layers that allow specific themes of geographic and

     environmental information to be accessed.

(2)The list of layers will show under "Layers" tab.

(3)The BaseMap will be the default map service. It will be automatically load at the program start.

(4)Check the checkbox or click on the Common Map list will load a map service to the map.

(5)The loaded map service will show on the "Map Service on the Map" list.

(6)Uncheck the checkbox next to the map service to unload the map service.

(7)Use slider next to the map service to change its transparency.

(8)To reordered a visible map service: select a map service to be reordered by clicking on the name,

     and then click on one of buttons (Top/Up/Down/Bottom)to reorder it.





(1)X/Y coordinates must be in NAD83 StatePlane Texas North Central 4202(Feet).

Example: X = 2576419.43 Y = 7026282.84

(2)Thousands separator "," in value will not allow.

Example: Lat = 32.9279902 Lon = -96.5184941



(1)To find a street, just type in the street number and street name.

Example: 4000 Main St

(2)To find an intersection, just type in two street names and types separated by & or @ symbol.

Example: rowlett rd & miller rd or rowlett rd @ miller rd

Note: This address search tool uses street centerline as reference data for creating Dual Ranges address locator.

If the searched address house number in that given range will result in a match. The geocoded address

will pinpoint on the closest location.

If you know the exact house number, you can use the “Search a Parcel” tool to search. The matched

property will be highlighted on the map.

Draw Point
Draw Polyline
Draw Polygon
Draw Freehand Polyline
Draw Freehand Polygon
Draw Arrow
Draw Text

Enter the Label Text:
Navigation Pan to North Pan to NE Pan to East Pan to SE Pan to South Pan to SW Pan to West Pan to NW
In progress...